Selasa, 03 Juli 2012

Tuesday at P. Maniang

Room, 18.30 Wita By the time I got into the room, then I realize that I'm still all alone, hahahahahahahaha......mau sama siapa emangnya? yang ada si mpok mondar-mandir, nanya mau makan, mau mandi seka rang gak? mpok....mpok.....andai kamu tau aku mau apa dan siapa sekarang. I want to be an independent woman, no need to think about ini dan itu....mau apa aja tinggal bilang, tinggal tunjuk....aamiin...... Sekarang jadwalnya, work everyday, sampai di kantor menghadapi rutinitas, setelah itu balik rumah, hmmmmm miss my amanda a lot. Wondering what does she doing right now? does she miss me to? ......I hope so. Btw mau istitahat bentar, see you next time

Senin, 02 Juli 2012

Pomalaa, 3 Juli 2012 11.00 Wita Sitting here, almost half day and still nothing happen yet. everybody busy with their own activities. me myself just arrive, found no one in the room. yet, I haven't got my decre, so still waiting for the day. For the day I have been waiting for, I would thank to God for the gift this year. that He would sent me the one who make my day become brighter. Cheer me up everytime I be with him. No sadness, no loneliness. He always understand me. Taking care of me due diligence. All I want always provided earlier.Never let me down or mad at me. All I wanna say is ... He knows what I want exactly.